Succession Planning: Wills, Trusts and Lasting Power of Attorney

The first part of good succession planning is to have an up to date, robust will; essential if you want to ensure your estate passes to whom you choose when you die. Without a will, your estate will be divided in line with antiquated rules of succession, which in most cases this means that your legacy will not go to who you intended and in some cases can inadvertently cause an unexpected tax charge.

At Future Start we help our clients understand the different options available for growing and protecting their wealth. Giving consideration to generational wealth planning could be the single most important decision you take for your beneficiaries, leaving a lasting legacy of how you would like to be remembered.

Some of the questions that you may consider when making your will may include:

  • “What would happen to my children’s legacy if I were to die and my spouse got remarried?”
  • “How can I protect my children’s inheritance in case they should get divorced after receiving it?”
  • “How can I put safeguards in place to ensure my children’s inheritance will not be spent frivolously and protect the remainder for my grandchildren?”
  • “How can I protect my legacy against tax, potential care costs and creditors?”
  • “What would happen to my business if I were to die and how can I best protect my family’s interests?”
  • “My child is in receipt of means tested benefits. Would these be lost if they were to inherit part of my estate?”

Book yourself a no obligation, succession planning appointment today by calling  01923 909339.


Jonathan on ITV’s Tonight Programme, Jonathan talks openly and candidly about how his own family have been affected by fraud and how important it is to seek independent advice in later life.

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